Mariana Santos, PT

With her realistic and raw expression, the Portuguese artist Mariana Santos is known for her dreamlike and nostalgic works. She works with both oil painting, drawing, graphics and most recently gable painting, where the motifs are most often people in everyday situations, which exude both love and despair.

”My pieces reflect the way I observe and perceive the world. I prefer to incorporate myself into it as both, a silent voyeur and as an enquirer who seeks to learn more about the subjects, their emotional state and the predicaments they face”.

Much of Mariana Santos' work is based on still life from old, now forgotten films and TV shows, old discarded photographs in an attempt to renew or revive the old that still deserves life and appreciation.

Mariana Santos has participated in a number of group exhibitions in Portugal, Spain, the USA and the UK, among others.

Besøg Mariana Santos på Instagram.